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AP Cover

Pink Floyd - David Gilmour - Breathe (In The Air) - Acoustic Cover by Andrea Perrotta

Pink Floyd | David Gilmour | Breathe (In The Air) | Acoustic Cover by Andrea Perrotta

R.E.M. - The Great Beyond - Cover by REM-X

R.E.M. | The Great Beyond | Cover by REM-X

Pink Floyd | Wish You Were Here | cover by Livio & Andrea Perrotta

Pink Floyd | Wish You Were Here | Cover by Livio & Andrea Perrotta

MUSE - Time Is Running Out

MUSE | Time Is Running Out | Cover by Andrea Perrotta

Brian May Challenge - We Are the Champions - Andrea Perrotta - ft. Freddie Mercury

Brian May Challenge | We Are the Champions | Andrea Perrotta | ft. Freddie Mercury

Brian May Challenge - Hammer to Fall - Andrea Perrotta - ft. Freddie Mercury

Brian May Challenge | Hammer to Fall | Andrea Perrotta | ft. Freddie Mercury

© 2020-2024 Andrea Perrotta & AP Art Studio